Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Google Organic Sitelinks Updates

Google has released yesterday (16th Aug, 2011) a new update on Site links in Organic results, which is taller, more site links and with more details. Now the site links shows the title of the page, display URL, and single description line. Its really useful for users.

So, the webmaster should check out the their acquired site links by Google and needs to make sure that all the links are working & provided with title & more info.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Get Start With Gmail’s Great New Preview Pane in Gmail Labs

Google just added a long-desired lab feature to Gmail: a preview window. Now Gmail can operate in a paned, widesceen-style view similar to Microsoft Outlook and the new Apple Mail. If you like having your messages list available even when viewing, this is a great feature to have. To enable it, just open Gmail, go to Labs, and turn on the Preview Pane option.

If you are not familiar with Gmail Labs, just go to Labs and do Ctrl + F and find for Preview. And make Preview panel Enable and apply save changes. Now you will be redirected to your Gmail with Preview Panel Option with two views - Horizontal & Vertical Previews.